A website of my own followed by my channel.
This is Deepak, I thought to pen down a bit about what made me to start doing knowledge sharing videos but never thought I would have a website by now.
I launched a website with no goal or plans. I must say, the reason for which I started working on knowledge sharing is weird.Learning is a life long process but unlike languages that we speak nothing remains in a human memory undisturbed. I noticed that everything I learnt required that I be in touch with it. Things started getting collapsed in memory and scrambled repertoire of things that I inferred. To get back to the webpage or book and riffle to find the missing piece of puzzle is a taxing task for a visual learner like me. Of course I cannot find the same page over the internet or book where I inferred many things, it is certainly impossible while I'm on the go elsewhere. So, I started recording all my inferences with my mobile phone and had it saved in my hard disk, yet insecurity was on "what if the hard disk goes haywire?". Unexpectedly I uploaded the videos in Facebook but nothing happened. Then uploaded them in Metacafe, again no use. "Charlie bit my finger" was the first video I saw on YouTube and thus decided to upload. YouTube had everything I never even dreamt of. I recorded more videos since I was inspired greatly by several up-loaders. Uploaded and shared them over Facebook, Very few likes and comments but still never backed Off. I started learning more and more to author more videos. I must say YouTube is a great motivation for me to learn more.YouTube remains as a purpose for me to continue learning new things. I learnt Web designing and thought of having a website of my own and thus came mytidbit.net which is now imytidbit.com.Tidbit means 'A tasty small piece of food', of course what I learnt and created is a small piece of what is there available over the internet,
but I believe mytidbit will remain as a motivation for me to continue knowledge sharing forever.